Jun 25

Diversity Is Good, Equity is Great

About a year ago, I was interviewed on a podcast where the interviewer very graciously commended the church community I lead for its diversity. I wasn’t surprised by the observation. In fact, I typically anticipate people making this point. Being a “multicultural church” within a mainline denomination that largely lacks diversity in its local expressions is certainly worth mentioning.

Jun 4

We Must Do More Than Talk About Racism

Not long ago all of us were being asked to do our civic duty and help each other by staying home and keeping our distance from one another. While emotionally and financially difficult, it is believed to be the most effective means of confronting this terrible COVID-19 pandemic until a vaccine is discovered that allows us to come together again.

Bert Armstrong
Feb 20

Racism: It's Real

Last week I attended, along with some of my Armstrong McGuire teammates, the Groundwater Training hosted by the YMCA of the Triangle and led by Monica and Jennifer from the Racial Equity Institute.

Shannon Williams
Jan 24

Lessons in Leadership

This week we celebrated the life of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., a man who dedicated his all-too-short time on Earth to fighting social and civil injustice.

Staci Barfield

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