Jun 21

When a Conversation Takes a Serious Turn

Last week I had the opportunity to meet Katherine Ngaruiya (Kat). We had a video call scheduled, but technology was not my friend, so it turned into a phone call. Here we were two professionals sharing our career journeys and present engagements—simply getting to know one another

Shannon Williams
May 31

The Elephant in the Room

I love talking to my friend, Bernice Sanders Smoot. She is the founder and principal of a firm called Saint Wall Street, LLC that helps nonprofits capture and articulate their value. The first time I heard her speak, I had one of those “I really need to meet her” moments.

Leslie Starsoneck
Mar 12

Stop talking about diversity

At Armstrong McGuire, we're known for sharing coffee to help people think through nonprofit issues, but I have one request: please don't call me to have a conversation about "diversity." Instead, let's talk about cultural competence.

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