I may not be the world's biggest Bob Dylan fan but I know good strategic thinking when I hear it. While I am certain that Dylan's lyrics were not written with the slightest notion that he could be speaking truth to a nation of nonprofits, his words speak volumes about the importance of capturing, understanding, and benefitting from information about donors and their giving habits.
As my wife and kids will attest, I have an obsession with the television show Shark Tank (catch it Friday nights on ABC or reruns on Tuesdays on CNBC).
We will soon be hosting a high school graduation party at our home for my oldest child. UNC Chapel Hill, here comes my son Robert! (For those of you who know the extent to which the old gold and black of Wake Forest colors everything in the Armstrong family, you know how challenging those words are for me.)
Whether you’re ready to expand your organizational capacity and move forward with purpose, or just want to talk shop, we’d love to connect.
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