I’m that guy. The impulse shopper who buys stuff on a whim, drawn in by the promise of greater productivity, organization, and efficiency. I'm a sucker for infomercials for things like the amazingly awesome NINJA blender. And let's not forget those work and home electronics that the knowledgeable big box store salesman convinced me would transform my work life and home entertainment experience. Think the iPad, and the "smart" TV.
We’ve all heard of the sandwich generation – that time in our lives when folks in our 40’s and 50’s are still taking care of our fast-growing children while also finding ourselves spending more and more time helping to take care of our aging parents
As the clock approached midnight Saturday, I was home watching Mariah Carey’s production snafu on television. Now don’t judge me! Some of you who know me well will recall that I've joined in on some exciting New Year's Eve celebrations in past years.
Spoiler alert! This is not euphoric piling on of post-election elation from a Trump supporter. Nor is it post-mortem chatter about Clinton’s stunning popular vote victory. There is plenty of both going around and I expect most folks are ready to think about something, maybe anything, besides politics for at least a few minutes, days, weeks or even months.
Whether you’re ready to expand your organizational capacity and move forward with purpose, or just want to talk shop, we’d love to connect.
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