Aug 1

Are You Consistently Engaging Your Donors?

Engaging prospective and current donors consistently throughout the year should be part of your annual development planning. There are so many ways that a nonprofit or institution of higher education can engage donors.

April Anthony
Jul 18

Confidence: A Fundraising Gamechanger

Confidence is a critical element to success in almost any endeavor. In fundraising, it is a gamechanger.

Shannon Williams
Jul 11

What Instrument Do You Play?

“No one can whistle a symphony. It takes an orchestra to play it.” H.E. Luccock I make no claims to being a classical music connoisseur. On a good day, I can pretty quickly distinguish between Mozart’s Symphony No 40 and Beethoven’s Symphony No 5. Beyond that, I can get a little confused.

Bert Armstrong
Jun 27

Craft Your Personal Mission Statement

Do you ever think about your personal mission statement? As members of the philanthropic and business communities, our organizations’ mission statements are important, encouraged, and expected. Yet few people actually develop their own personal mission statement

Beth Briggs

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