I do not like writing. My story is “I am not good at writing. I am not clear enough. I have too much to say. I don’t have enough to say.”And so every time I need to write something more than an email I get anxious and then I put it off, which makes me more anxious, which reinforces my identity story that I am not a good writer, and the cycle continues.
As part of my Authentic Leadership coaching class through Raleigh Coaching Academy, I had the privilege of reading ten books to support the curriculum. Eight books into my reading I told my six-year-old son, Ian, that I had reading for school to do so I could only read him one book instead of our usual two. He asked if I would be willing to read my book to him.
Okay…so the last few months have been completely crazy for everyone. Schedules have been thrown out, kids are home, activities are limited, and the list goes on and on.In addition to all the things going on in the world and the community, I engaged in an intensive coaching curriculum through Raleigh Coaching Academy. The class included reading ten books and spending nine full days on Zoom. It was wonderful and it was a lot.
Over the holidays a friend, my mom, and I started working on a 2,000-piece puzzle. The conversation was flowing, and all was right in the world. About 20 minutes in, I looked down and noticed that we were all navigating the puzzle in different ways.
Whether you’re ready to expand your organizational capacity and move forward with purpose, or just want to talk shop, we’d love to connect.
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