“No one can whistle a symphony. It takes an orchestra to play it.” H.E. Luccock I make no claims to being a classical music connoisseur. On a good day, I can pretty quickly distinguish between Mozart’s Symphony No 40 and Beethoven’s Symphony No 5. Beyond that, I can get a little confused.
Katie and Jason Weeks have always enjoyed hosting parties. When they celebrate their children’s birthdays, they look forward to surrounding their kids with friends. They don’t look forward to adding dozens of new toys to their children’s collection. So, from the beginning, the Weeks decided their children’s parties would evolve around opportunities to give back.
Spring is here. With it comes a new season of NCAA tournament brackets. A new season of tax preparation. A new season of grass mowing.
It seems like only yesterday that Tom McGuire and I were playing in a charity golf event with a couple of unfortunate partners who spent the day cringing as they watched each of us hook and slice our way into water hazards, woods, and sand traps
Whether you’re ready to expand your organizational capacity and move forward with purpose, or just want to talk shop, we’d love to connect.
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