Recently I wrote a blog story reflecting on a hilariously terrifying encounter with a self-diagnosed medical condition of mine – ophidiophobia. For what I am sure was a very small handful of readers who missed this article due to vacations – or for the medically uninformed – this means I have a terrifying fear of snakes – easily among my top 10 fears in this world. For about a week after my snake encounter, I found every reason under the sun to avoid my regular pandemic-driven self-improvement exercise routine. I would sit at home imagining my next outing, coming right back to that spot on the trail and seeing Mr. Snake again or, worse yet, seeing a bigger and more menacing companion.
Let me be clear. Snakes are #1, #4, and #7 on my top 10 list of things I fear on this earth. I get the heebie-jeebies at any mention of snake sightings, keep my head on a swivel when the neighbor mentions they found one in their backyard, and usually turn away from snake scenes in movies and television shows. So even while living miles away from the African zebra cobra’s North Raleigh neighborhood, the very thought of its escape made the hair on the back of my neck stand at attention.
I recently reconnected with a very close childhood friend for a long overdue catch-up conversation. Things started out with the standard check-ins about kids, jobs, and who else in our friend group we had seen lately. But as the conversation went on, we moved into deeper, more important stories about big happenings in our lives. Some stories were inspiring and hopeful. Others were painful and sad. Through all of it, I couldn’t help but feel this immediate nostalgic bond with my friend bubbling up, feeling like it was just yesterday that we were as close as friends could be. In actuality, it has been over three decades since we last spent any meaningful time together.
Tuesday, March 30th was National Doctor’s Day. So, a special shout out to all the docs out there for what you are doing, especially those physicians and other health care workers risking their own health and sacrificing time with their families to treat COVID-19 patients over the past year.
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