May 17

Bluffing is a Dangerous Campaign Strategy

Back in college, I occasionally found my way to a friendly poker night with a few buddies. The pots were usually small, with the occasional $50 - $100 pot later in the evening whenever one of our over-confident friends started mouthing off to one of his equally over-confident pals. As the pots got bigger, the energy reached a different level, and I would often get caught up in the bravado of raising bets and drawing more money from my wallet to be sure I could stay in the game. My zealous approach to poker nights soon earned me the dubious nickname “Bet” Armstrong by my fraternity brothers.

Bert Armstrong
Jan 4

Practice? We’re talking about Practice?

I am bidding 2022 adieu with mixed emotions.

Bert Armstrong
Jun 22

A Recipe for Success

I bought an air fryer last weekend. My wife is convinced that I will use it once or twice before it takes its shameful place on our shelf of misfit appliances, right next to the Instant Pot pressure cooker, Ninja blender, and other must have items I have purchased in recent years.

Bert Armstrong
Nov 11

Batter Up!

In a recent article at entitled Take Me Out to the Ballgame!: a Comparison Between Fundraising and Baseball, the authors examine how baseball and fundraising rely on similar tools of the trade to be successful: good data, teamwork, strategy, practice, investments made in players, coaches, equipment and training, and making the right moves based on the environment and how things change during the course of a single game or over an entire season.

Bert Armstrong

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