Finding a job that speaks to your passion can be stressful. Some people are anxious when they realize that their passions are difficult to identify, seem ambiguous or elusive, or feel non-transferable to actual jobs. Instead of trying to match your passion to your job, I suggest aligning your values with your work.
I have a confession to make: After 14 years of being a father, I still wonder daily if I am ever going to really figure out this parenting business. I often joke with friends who are new parents that there’s a reason the shelves in the “Parenting” section of your local bookstore sag under the weight of the newest, latest, and greatest “how-to” guides.
Armstrong McGuire is excited to announce that Todd Brantley and Dana Mangum are joining the team as Senior Advisors.
As leaders in a rapidly changing world sometimes the hardest person to lead is ourselves!
Whether you’re ready to expand your organizational capacity and move forward with purpose, or just want to talk shop, we’d love to connect.
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