Headed to the Beach? Think Strategic Plan

In North Carolina many of us will head to the beach to celebrate Memorial Day weekend and the unofficial launch of summer.

When I think of the beach, I think of sand. Sand is beautiful as you look at it; soft, but solid when you walk on it; and itchy when you carry it off in your bathing suit!

Kind of reminds me of a good strategic plan. What???

A good strategic plan is beautiful to the team who put it together. It evokes pride that you are well grounded in the mission, vision and goals that will guide your organization into the future (typically three years in today's landscape).

A strong plan gives your organization a solid foundation to operate from. It provides clarity of direction, roles, accountabilities and timelines.

And, it challenges you—make you itchy if you will, by getting you out of your comfort zone and pressing you to meet new opportunities and community needs.

If your organization does not have this type of plan, you need one. If your plan does not make you proud, give you concrete direction or push you beyond your current limits, it’s time for an update.

According to a study sponsored by the Association for Strategic Planning and the University of Arkansas, 93% of high performing non-profits studied credited strategic planning as impacting their overall success. “Successful organizations make strategic planning a consistent, routine, periodic process and not just something they do in times of crisis or because a funder requires it.”

If you need help developing your plan, click here for more information on how we can help. In the meantime, enjoy the holiday weekend and the beach!

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