We have lots of reminders about what has to happen before we achieve desired responses.
Those things that come before typically don’t feel as fun, exciting or interesting as the things that come next. Yet without the before, the after usually isn’t as easy, effective, or rewarding.
I’ve been reminded of this a lot lately as we visit with nonprofit clients who are eager to build new buildings, add new programs, hire more staff, expand into other communities, or build their endowments. All of these are the big, important things we want to achieve. The challenge is that most of them require new financial resources that are not yet secured. So the most obvious thing that must be done before any of the new things happen is an effort to raise the money through greater annual fundraising, a capital or endowment campaign, or special major or planned giving efforts.
That’s what seems to aggravate, frustrate, or befuddle a lot of well-intentioned and visionary leaders who know that this "before" work needs to happen, but who become downright impatient and unwilling to put in the effort. I’ve walked into many conversations with executive directors and board members of nonprofits who scratch their heads when we suggest that a strong culture of philanthropy (giving) must be in place before major investments come. And building a strong culture of philanthropy takes important prospect identification, education, engagement and cultivation before donors can envision making major investments in the mission of their organization.
So the next time you are sitting in a board meeting or a staff leadership team meeting and someone begins to champion something more, or new that will require significant funding, remind them that there is important fundraising to be done before anyone can realize that exciting next thing. Then make sure that your organization is putting in the important campaign planning and preparation work necessary before launching a new fundraising initiative. I suggest starting by considering these five questions:
Whether you’re ready to expand your organizational capacity and move forward with purpose, or just want to talk shop, we’d love to connect.
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