It used to be that I looked forward to some down time in the summer months to get organized and catch up. Nowadays organizations work hard year-round. Marketing, Board development, strategic planning and fundraising are all ongoing activities.
As the summer approaches, I think about the clutter that has built up in every organization since the beginning of the year, due to busy times and stretched staff. Then I contemplate the tasks that nonprofits and universities need to accomplish over the summer months to get ready for an intense fall fundraising season.
Do you receive those emails from Microsoft alerting you that clutter has been removed from your inbox? Wow, someone is assisting me in removing my clutter – I love it. Hopefully you will find some help with your clutter in these tips below.
10 tips to jump start you into fall and prevent stress at the end of the year:
1. Update your stewardship calendar
Or create one if you don’t have one in place ensuring donors are touched in some way every month
2. Update social media
With fundraising efforts and online giving opportunities
3. Clean up your database
By conducting a merge-purge, getting rid of duplicate records
4. Write and distribute an annual or impact report
These can be digital or hard copy and can be short in length
5. Thank ALL your volunteers
Volunteers cannot be thanked enough
6. Update your work plan
Ensure professional development opportunities are included
7. Analyze your events
Determine whether the time and talent they take are worth the net proceeds each produces
8. Dust off your strategic plan
Make sure implementation and progress towards goals are at the forefront of every leadership meeting
9. Prepare for your fall campaign/end of year campaign
Run LYBNT and SYBNT donor reports and set increased ask amounts for renewal donors striving for 80% or better renewal rate
10. Take a vacation - Recharge your batteries even if it’s a long weekend!
Donors may be on summer vacations, but nonprofits and universities are getting organized and removing clutter behind the scenes.
Please email with any suggestions or questions.
Whether you’re ready to expand your organizational capacity and move forward with purpose, or just want to talk shop, we’d love to connect.
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