Cone Health Foundation

Cone Health Foundation had a strong strategic plan, but they were unsure whether their traditional organizational structure aligned to their new goals. Armstrong McGuire stepped in to help.


  • Created a new organizational structure consisting of community engagement and impact, communications and advocacy, finance and operations, grants administration, and evaluation and learning functions.
  • Recommended adjustments to existing staff roles and responsibilities and created new roles to fill gaps in executing against the new strategic plan.
  • Placed two Directors of Community Engagement & Impact.


Building on a previous operational planning assessment, Armstrong McGuire reviewed organizational documents and conducted interviews with the Foundation staff and board members. We also researched trends in philanthropy, foundations, and grantmaking that the Foundation might consider in defining its organizational structure. Using the Nadler-Tushman Congruence Framework to assess critical tasks, organizational structure, people, and culture, we made recommendations about CHF’s organizational design to better support the new strategic direction.

Our expertise in these fields led us to success.


Cone Health Foundation’s change in strategic direction required new skillsets as well as the ability to be more nimble and efficient in its grantmaking strategy. As a result of the organizational strategy recommended, the Foundation initiated a search for a Director of Community Engagement and Impact and is evaluating additional changes to current roles.

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